“When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory.” (Colossians 3:4)
The book I started to write is not the book you have in your hands. I believe the Father wanted the book you are currently holding to manifest. The day this book came to be, I had a sequence of answered prayers, very specific prayers to be exact. I received an answer for each prayer within minutes of asking. You can say I was being a Gideon. Then, when I walked inside my wife gave me another confirmation from God. You are now reading a symbol of my obedience to a loving Father. It is also an act of faith in a literal, touchable form. I poured over every verse and looked up every reference given me. I know the danger of not “rightly dividing” the word of truth. Now this book is a symbol of what I am willing to give my life for. Please understand, what a man writes should only be what he believes. If he believes it, then it should be a conviction. All true convictions from God are worth laying down our lives for. Hence, I give you this guarantee; what is within these pages is the Gospel truth, “I pledge my life on it!” If I have made a mistake, it is through ignorance and ignorance alone. For that, I rest in the assurance of my Lord & Savior Jesus. He will shore up any of my shortcomings. All I ask of you is to call upon the Holy Spirit to give you guidance every time you read.
You can use this book as a daily devotional or read it beginning to end. It is up to you. I tried exceptionally hard to make it assessable and easy to read. With copyright issues the way they are I used the KJV for the entirety of the manuscript. When I study on my own, I am a big fan of the King James Version. I also like the New English Translation. When accuracy is most important, I use Young’s literal translation and the Greek-English Interlinear Bible. I encourage you to use whatever version you are comfortable reading. Take the time to look up the references in the version you have. I would also encourage you to read the surrounding verses to help get an even deeper context. Pastors and theologians, feel free to teach from this book. You could easily use each chapter to create one sermon per week. There are many more scriptures available for each chapter that I did not use. Therefore, the ability to expand every message out completely is very high. Ultimately, there is no right way to read this book. Just enjoy it and be encouraged. God has something wonderful waiting for you.
My sincere prayer is that the words within these pages will lead people to the word of God, “Jesus the Christ.” I want you to be so convinced of what you will receive from Jesus. I want you to have such conviction in the truth, you will no longer settle for the scraps of the world. That you will look at all the world has to offer you as crumbs scattered on a dirty floor. I hope to make such a comparison of the glory that awaits you. When contrasted to the works of darkness, the illustration alone will draw your hearts to your Heavenly Father. Please search the scriptures to see if these things are true. I have labored over the words of God to prove it to myself, and I am convinced! Be Blessed my Family.
~We Shall Be Like Him – 1 John 3:2~